Yea, hi, hi, again yes, yes.
Keepin it short, and sweet, as possible :P
18Apr, SundayMr Lim reprimanded me for using "wtf" :X
Should have said i was referring to "what the freak"
Anyways, realised :
WTF can also be a personalised acronym for
Factorisation :O
Hahha, and then erm ... oh.
At night -.-
Leon think he funny ahs.
Take Deanna's display picture which was this :

Yeah, a picture cropped from the original :

which stars HuiShi.
Walao, end up, crop crop crop, wahseh -.- my really retarded face there. ;X
Trevor talked to me :
many people are putting their picture as "Dumb Eileen"
-.- thanks ahs, Trevor.
Name the picture "dumb eileen"....
And guess what.
Open up msn.

OMG -.-
Firstly, plain weird...
Never expected myself to open up MSN to realise, hey, my picture is being used by 7 people at the same time!
Yeah, totally didn't expect that.
Leon boliao sia..
Algena also -.-
The two of them go spread here spread there.
Veh funny hors?
The most amazing thing was, Hnin, Sijia, YingYing, Huishi put -.-
Kinda surprising, esp first two.
Didn't know they so "bad" D:
Then Trevor put the bigger photo one.

And guess what he said. (I assume he was trying to "coax" me lahs, but .. FAIL.. badly.)
He said :
i put huishi
i like huishi's stunned faxce
it looks better than you
Sheeeeeseh "it looks better than you"?! -.-
Ehs, Trevor, once again, thankyouverymuch...
19Apr, MondayMum's bday.
Gave her a tulip (:
Just a small gift lahs.
To cheer her up after a long day :X
Fenzu from 3.30 to 6.30 ._.
Tiring lehs :X
Mentally, and hand pain, mouth pain, head pain, and dontknowwhy leg also pain.
Sat outside library waiting for Jennie's dad.
Super cooling (:
Nicee! :D
20Apr, Tuesday2.4km ._.
Run like damn slow lahs -.-
Jennie ran faster than me lehs :X
She usually slower.
My timing roughly around 16mins sia! D:
Starting 5th round that time, see some people finish liao.
Woooooow. *gulps*It's like .. speed constant for first 3 to 4 rounds.
Then , 5th round, cannot tahan.
I've got no stamina one mahs.
Walk a little jog here jog there.
6th round, tired like dunno what.
Left half round, I see Joanne, like left 1/4.
I sprint, then overtook her, then saw ZhiYan.
She left like, a bit more only.
We two sprint together, when cutting in, she kinda stopped in front of me, then a bit blocking me, so, well, in the end she got the chip first, but I guess its just a matter of 2 seconds difference or less.
Sweated like mad.
1hr recess FTW! :D
Oh wait, that reminds me, I haven't pay Leon $5 -.-
And that also reminds me, I owe Jennie $2.50.
finished up our part for geog project by going to prime, then shared bubbletea at sculpture park.
In the end, had to dash across the road to catch the bus -.-
Still thought dont need run for the rest of my
life year xP
21Apr, WednesdayMusic damn funny.
LOL, the teacher want us to give "reflections"/comments.
YeeHan went like
"We can start and stop together like very .... together."
*class laughs*
"We ... are very bonded."
*class laughs*
"...." (some dunno what stuff lahs)
Then dunno what the teacher said,
*class laughs*
YeeHan finish talking already...
Leon : "ARE U DRUNK?!"
Maybe thats what the teacher said.
ahaha! didn't manage to catch it.
I have no idea what the hell is going on with me -.-
I sprayed perfume into my eye ....
Eileen very smart.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
And I was like over-reacting "Ah, shit! I'm gonna go blind, ah crap!"
And then desperately washing my eye with water ._.
Shangyin till like 8.40 ._. WOOOOOW.
Then learnt 雁门关
almost finished.
Some parts are crazily fast, couldn't catch up.
if tmr(23apr) got fenzu/dazu, so dead -.-
22Apr, ThursdayErm, science test.
GG. -.-
Bio - sexual reproduction.
Mr Hong keep stopping at some words like "vagina" -.-
Zzz.. i'm like "JUST SAY IT LAHS! ITS BIO! -.- Pausing would be even more awkward..."
Then he "er.. err.. .... (pause) vagina ... hehe. *continues*" -.-
Cause if just say, then its like we will think its serious, and wont get teased or what mahs ...
So, pausing, isn't it like worse?
And if he can't say vagina, then er, what about female sexual reproduction?
Then Joanne's group.
Cause XM likes to doodle, so wanna test her response if kahwhye messed her doodles with a straight line.
So instead of drawing a line, KahWhye went to write "YeeHan" LOL!
Then cause got cow.
So "YeeHan = Cow"
Then Joanne telling me, so I suddenly recalled there's ACC test later.
So I said "Aiya, got ACC... Acc, appreciating Chinese cows, ooh, so appreciating chinese yeehans"
LOL! :D XiaoMin would love this xD
Chinese , I screamed cause got one answer wrong ... RAWR, WASTED. -.-
What's wrong with me ahs?
ACC was .... fun.
We sent YingYing to 泡茶 :D
And definitely right choice! hahaha!
Despite suay suay kena the most difficult type of tea to 泡, we did THE BEST! :D
Then we anyhow crap out answers when teacher ask xP
Anyways cleaning that time -.-
I think I seriously got problem.
The spoon thing which is supposed to be used for scooping up dried tea leaves and putting it into the kettle thing right.
I use it to scoop out the tea leaves after 泡-ing 茶 when I'm supposed to use another "spoon" :X
oopsies, and it was very big, so I was wondering, why so big ahs.
Then Berrnise pointed it out to me.
Got hella paiseh xD
Laughed damn long.
Going home that time, saw Mr Lee Chee Keen, last year our CME (I prefer him... :X)
Then we walk to mrt, realise, he also taking circle line xP
He also alight at serangoon.
And take north east line.
So I saying, ehs, I got feeling he live sengkang/punggol.
End up, really sia.
He walked out at sengkang.
Then he walk very fast mahs.
So we in front, I say, go second floor.
Cause I see he a bit not going out, so I say go second floor, where he most probably will go also.
Then Joanne, card, FAILLLLL. (as usual. hahahha!)
Then we go out that time, he walked faster than us, so in front of us.
Hehehe, also go up escalator to third floor xP
Then he turned.
So, all our guesses would be, he going to popular.
LOL. quite fun lehs.
Lame also.
I'm like so screwed.
Malay test -.-
Nothing gets registered.
Repeat, NOTHING, gets registered -.-
Wish me luck.
And tmr got maths ... mock test, whatever quiz -.-
Sure whole maths lesson test test test one.
Stress ahs.
And I busy doing RS, it's 11 now, and I haven't started my own work.
Great, and I'm still typing this post -.-
Screweeeed D: